QAC COVID-19 Updates and Information Links

September 2021:

Information for new and returning students in September can be found in this attached link

QAC have updated risk assessments in place ensuring the safety of its settings so that measures can be put in place to minimise those risks for students and staff. Please find risk assessment in this attached link

July 2021:

A letter to education establishments from the Secretary of State for Education regarding support for the vaccination programme can be accessed in this attached link.

The NHS England vaccine FAQ’s for students contains student-specific information such as clarifying that students can access their first and second doses in different locations. 

May 2021:

Parents/Carers – As you are aware, the government has started reducing measures that have been in place to keep us safe as this was considered feasible due to high vaccination levels, lower cases and the drop in COVID-19 related deaths and hospitalisations. However, it is being reported today (14 May 2021) that the government is reviewing some proposed decisions based on significant increases of positive cases in some areas and different variants of concern that are on the rise.

As a College, we have a responsibility to undertake our duty of care seriously. The decision has been made that QAC will NOT be changing any of its current COVID-19 safety measures. All risk assessments will remain in place and zones, social distancing, one way systems, sanitising and mask wearing will continue. Discretion still applies for mask wearing linked to medical reasons and student needs, this will be as before. Hugging is not something that will suddenly become acceptable in the College from Monday 17 May, we are maintaining social distancing rules. Thank you for your continued support in these difficult times.

April 2021:

Summer Term Update

The College response to the changing government guidelines around COVID-19 are mostly the same as last term:

  • Zones remain in place as they have to date. Please do not mix between zones
  • Social distancing remains in place both indoors and outdoors
  • Masks are still recommended in classrooms and communal areas. Please maintain last term's protocols
  • Handwashing or sanitising is encouraged frequently as before
  • As the weather improves, use of the sports field and outdoor gym will increase via a booking system to avoid clashes and zone mixing
  • The gym is now open for timetabled student sessions

March 2021:

Parents/Carers – ‘Home Testing over Easter’ letter sent to all parents and carers (dated 30 March 2021) can be found on our dedicated ‘QAC Covid-19 Testing’ page in this attached link.

The short video displayed below provides information about the QAC Swabbers’ Centre for all returning students during the week beginning Monday 8 March onwards.

For more information and guidance about onsite lateral flow tests, please visit our dedicated ‘QAC Covid-19 Testing’ page in this attached link.

Please check this website page and our social media channels (Facebook and Twitter) for updates. 

February 2021:


Following the government's announcement on Monday 22 February we look forward to welcoming all students back to QAC during the week beginning Monday 8 March onwards for face-to-face learning.

Deputy Principal’s letter (dated 26 February 2021) sent out to all parents and carers can be accessed

HERE (and attached below).

January 2021:

Please find our ‘COVID-19 Student Support Guide’ in this attached link. The booklet is designed to help students understand about COVID-19 and the changes that are being made at College, including rapid testing.

Sensory processing and self-regulation support at home for students, provided by our College Occupational Therapist, can be found in this attached link

RAPID TESTING UPDATE (mass asymptomatic testing)

We are working to keep our College as safe as possible. In line with Government guidance, our plans for rapid testing for COVID-19 are in place. Rapid testing will play an essential part in QAC minimising COVID-19 risks to all as well as providing peace of mind and enabling fast action where it may be required.

Bev Jessop, QAC Principal and Chief Executive, provides a short tour of our testing centre for QAC students and staff (recorded on Thursday 14 January 2021):

For more information and guidance about onsite lateral flow tests, please visit our dedicated ‘Covid-19 Testing on Campus’ page in this attached link.

Deputy Principal’s letter sent out to all parents and carers on Tuesday 5 January can be accessed HERE (and attached below).

If you are a key worker, or want to apply for a place on the limited on site provision please CLICK HERE and complete by Thursday 7 January.  

Our plans for rapid testing for COVID-19 are in place. Rapid testing will play an essential role in minimising COVID-19 risks to all as well as providing peace of mind. Please find consent form which needs to be completed by all parents/students by Friday 8 January attached in this link. 

A message for all QAC students from Bev Jessop, QAC Principal and Chief Executive (recorded on Wednesday 6 January 2021)

QAC: an update for students, parents and carers following national lockdown announcement

Following Government guidance issued on Monday 4 January 2021, the following attached link explains the impact of the national lockdown situation for QAC services.

October 2020: 

PPE UPDATE (Friday 9 October 2020):

PPE is essential to keep us all safe, clarification of PPE usage when at QAC can be found in this attached link

September 2020:

A message for our returning students from Bev Jessop, QAC Principal and Chief Executive (recorded on Friday 11 September 2020):

Please find FAQs which aims to provide students, parents and carers with as much information, advice and support as possible in readiness for the autumn term in this attached link

If you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), get a test as soon as possible. Stay at home until you get the result.

The main symptoms of coronavirus are:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature) 
  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
  • a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

For the latest information and useful advice about coronavirus (COVID-19) please visit attached links listed below:

June 2020:

We look forward to welcoming some of our final year students back to QAC on Monday 15 June 2020 as part of a phased re-engagement of face to face delivery. Online and home learning continues for all students.  

One way system arrows and tactile markings on the Bradbury Centre corridor floor

A lot of work, planning and risk assessing has taken place behind the scenes to implement the processes we need to adopt including one way systems and desks separated to help observe social distancing.

May 2020:

A message from Bev Jessop, QAC Principal and Chief Executive (recorded on Monday 11 May 2020):

Staff at QAC continue to help safeguard and protect our students and support them to ensure continued learning through these extraordinarily challenging times! We have created a series of 'Have-a-Go' videos on our YouTube channel for students to enjoy. You can join in with some of our 'Have-a-Go' sessions here.

April 2020:

A message from Bev Jessop, QAC Principal and Chief Executive (recorded on Thursday 16 April 2020):

Please find letter sent out to all parents and carers on Friday 17 April 2020 to detail the provision for QAC students after Easter hereand attached below.   

March 2020:

On Monday 23 March, the Prime Minister announced new stricter measures to tackle the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). More information about the ‘stay at home’ message and what you need to do can be found here

A social story to help explain coronavirus (COVID-19) can be accessed here. 


We take seriously our responsibilities for safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults in our care. If you have any safeguarding concerns our designated safeguarding leads can be contacted here.

Please also find links listed below providing helpful information for young people and parents/carers:

Coronavirus and your wellbeing

You might be worried about coronavirus and how it could affect your life. Please find some useful information provided by Mind that could help your wellbeing here.

Useful resources provided by Bild (British Institute of Learning Disabilities) can be accessed here

Please also find links listed below providing helpful information for families:  

QAC takes the concerns over the health, support and welfare of students very seriously. On the instruction of the Department for Education and UK Government, QAC closed to students from 3pm on Friday 20 March 2020 until further notice. 

In order to support continuance of learning students will be issued with home working packs and will have contact from College by email/other agreed means as needed. Individual cases will be reviewed as required for welfare matters.

Clarification of QAC’s plans can be accessed in Principal’s letter to students and parents/carers here and attached below.  

Please find our ‘Stay at Home’ pack to support student wellbeing and sensory needs attached below. Where to go for additional help and support can be found in this attached link.