PPE Usage at QAC

PPE is essential to keep us all safe at College. The only exemption for not wearing PPE is for medical grounds (proof needed) or if it inhibits communication/classroom working with students.

Students are now expected to wear masks in communal areas of their zones where they are able/can manage this. QAC can supply disposable masks for students who may forget to bring one.

  • In classrooms, PPE can be used with a degree of discretion for the best interests and support of students and each other. Different students will have different needs, and this is respected and worked around by those staff that know the students well.
  • In communal places (within zones), we should expect students to wear PPE if this is possible, and always worn by staff.
  • Personal Care is full PPE, always.
  • If you are travelling between zones, wear a mask.
  • If you are going into zones from another zone, wear a mask. If you know you will be touching surfaces across zones, wear gloves.
  • If you are working with/supporting a student who may be unknowingly (and on some occasions unexpectedly) travelling between zones, wear a mask.
  • If you are working very closely with students in social areas such as for lunch, wear a mask and gloves.
  • Wipe down desk and table surfaces.
  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Read the signs that are all over College with regards to PPE and safety.
  • Politely remind each other to ‘PPE UP’!