An update for students, parents and carers following national lockdown announcement

Following Government guidance issued on Monday 4 January 2021, the following explains the impact of the national lockdown situation for QAC services.

Whilst following official guidance to maintain education and front line support, we face extremely difficult and complex circumstances.  QAC remains fully committed to ensuring that arrangements enable us to undertake education/support whilst also maintaining the safety and wellbeing of ourselves, our students, clients, colleagues and other stakeholders.

QAC Curriculum Services (College)

Is in a lockdown situation from Wednesday 6 January and not open for all staff or students to attend campus (to maximise safety). 

However there are exceptions:

  • Students whose parents are key workers
  • Students at high risk of vulnerability due to Safeguarding circumstances (all students are risk assessed)
  • Students who have been identified by families/College as extremely highly vulnerable

Onsite learning will commence from Monday 18 January for the small number of students listed above 

Remote learning will happen for all students up to that date (and beyond as needed). Home learning will be engaging and cover areas of academic, support and therapy. Resources will be provided in suitable formats to meet individual needs.  Tracking, monitoring and full recording of activities are undertaken and recorded centrally.

Rapid testing (known as ‘mass asymptomatic testing’) will be highly encouraged and advised for all who attend on campus (staff/students/clients too). QAC will be undertaking this process themselves.

Annual/EHCP reviews will be carried out remotely by QAC and you will receive communication directly in due course.

QAC Community Services

‘Support Worker’ provision is classed as front line work.  This will continue based on individualised risk assessments and rapid testing being undertaken by staff, with support as agreed.

Referrals for support can still be made to the Director of Community Services during this time of lockdown -

QAC Residential Services

Educational residential - Residential is in lockdown unless any exceptional agreements are made with families/LAs with cases being reviewed individually. Please contact Kim Tierney if you have a query -

Supported Living clients in Independence Plus (IP) – IP is a front line service and arrangements have been made by the management of IP regarding clients remaining in their QAC homes in association with clients, families and social care as required. If you have any queries please contact the manager Giles Logan -

RAPID TESTING UPDATE (mass asymptomatic testing)

QAC plans to roll out rapid testing in line with government direction. More information will be shared on rapid testing soon.