Applying to study with us

You are invited to visit QAC to discover for yourself the friendly atmosphere and great resources. You can meet students and staff and get answers to any questions before making an application or requesting that QAC be named on your Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). Call 0121 803 5484 to book an informal visit.

The most common way to get a place at QAC is to be funded by your Local Authority. We are a national College so can work with all authorities. QAC may be able to accept students with a current EHCP on a privately funded basis, this will require an individualised assessment and costing. Unfortunately, QAC cannot accept applications from students from overseas as we are not a Tier 4 sponsor.

To apply for a place you will need to fill in an application form and medical form which we can give you when you visit. Download them using the links below or let us know if you prefer to receive these forms by post.

Government changes to the process by which young people are eligible for High Needs funding from September 2015 means that all LA funded applicants to QAC must have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).  An EHCP replaces a Statement of Special Educational Needs and the historical Learning Support Plan drafted by Careers Advisors.

QAC have been asked by Local Authorities to make it very clear to families that all young people requiring our specialisms will require an EHCP, and this is a statutory process which includes consultation with providers. Without an EHCP in place, LA funding will not be available for that young person. 

In the process of completing EHCPs, parents and the young person have a right to request a specific placement. At this point, the LA would then contact QAC and make a referral.

We will assess your EHCP and as required, find out more through an initial assessment to find out about you, your strengths, interests and support needs and agree with you the right programme. It helps us get to know you, ensure we can meet your needs and that QAC is the correct educational provision for you. 

During your assessment you might meet the following people: a speech and language therapist, a low vision specialist, a nurse, subject tutors, a mobility trainer, a computer/assistive technology tutor and residential staff.  If you have a visual impairment, you may be invited to the Low Vision Centre at Focus Birmingham for a more detailed assessment. If you are looking for a residential place you will have an overnight assessment to find out about living at College. Otherwise your initial assessment will take one day.

As soon as possible after your assessment we will write to you to confirm whether or not we can meet your needs. Should QAC be able to meet your needs, we will also notify your Local Authority as it is your Local Authority that offers the place. Once the Local Authority has confirmed the intention to name QAC in your EHCP, we will contact you in writing with all the relevant information about a start date.

Once you start at QAC we will spend a lot of time getting to know you better and making absolutely sure that your programme, support and accommodation meets your needs.