Umberslade Nurseries suffers theft of Christmas Trees

Following the sad news from Umberslade Nurseries last week, who suffered a theft of Christmas Trees, staff and students at Queen Alexandra College have been touched by the support that we have received from individuals and organisations in the local community.

Garden Centre Manager Nicola Stitt with QAC Independent Plus students at Umberslade Nurseries

Umberslade Nurseries is an enterprise owned by Queen Alexandra College and our staff and students have been working extremely hard over recent weeks preparing Christmas themed events and activities. The loss of our Christmas Trees was really upsetting for all involved, but people have been really kind.

With this in mind we were asked to set up a donation page where money raised would go back into Umberslade Nurseries, helping make projects and activities possible for students and the local community. Whatever amount you are able to give will be greatly appreciated and help put the festive smiles back on our students faces. Please refer to attached link for further details - 

If you would like to know more about Umberslade Nurseries, please pay us a visit, call us on 0121 472 4894, or email us at