Umberslade Nurseries holds re-opening event!

After being closed over the Winter period, Umberslade Nurseries, our Selly Oak based garden centre social enterprise, held its re-opening event on Saturday 18th March. It was a day for all those interested to come along and experience what activities and products Umberslade has to offer, as well as being given a chance to sample the brand new Breakfast menu on offer!

 Hand crafted Mother's Day gifts from Umberslade re-opening

It was a busy day, however it was great to have plenty of visitors who remembered Umberslade when it came to satisfying their gardening needs. The sun also came out and shone to greet everyone in attendance.

The new Breakfast menu was also popular, with over 30 covers being served on the day! Umberslade's craft area and earth oven were also in action!

 Female preparing food near the Earth oven at Umberslade

Now that spring is here, Umberslade will open from Wednesday-Sunday, 10am-4pm, and they look forward to having plenty more visitors to experience the array of different activities and products Umberslade has to offer!