Umberslade Nurseries community planting project supported by Great Little Garden

Earlier in the year we were lucky enough to receive a wonderful donation of lots of seeds from the company Great Little Garden, as part of a community planting project at Umberslade. We want to get youngsters more involved in gardening, in particular around fresh fruit and vegetables, reinforcing healthy food choices and healthy lifestyle.

Young child watering seeds planted in a pot

The first ‘instalment’ of the project happened over the summer, with packets of spring onion seeds being given out to young visitors and neighbours, for them to take home and plant with their parents and watch them grow. QAC students have also been getting involved since coming back to college in September.

2 Students planting seeds in pots

Everyone had a great time and everyone who took part looks forward to seeing their crops grow. The project is a great way to show children and young adults where food comes from and encourage them to eat healthily and get some gardening activities in!

Great Little Garden sent us lots of other seeds as well, so as and when it gets to their planting time we’ll be getting more people involved in doing the same thing and hope to link in with local schools too. We also hope to use the project as a way to talk about the vegetables and recipe / food ideas for people to try once their crops have grown! 

To find out more about Great Little Garden, please visit their website -

2 students holding up plant pots and seed bags