Student leaves her mark on the College as she moves on

Alison, a student on our Art & Design course who is also one of our leavers this year, has designed and painted wonderful large scale murals in two of the college's mentoring rooms. She has worked tirelessly to get these finished before she left, and now these murals set the atmosphere for our current students to enjoy!

First wall mural painted by Alison

Second wall mural painted by Alison

During our Friends and Families day, a day to celebrate the achievements of all of our students as well as to say farewell to our leavers, Alison was picked out as one of the students to be awarded our Special Achievement Award, highlighting the great work and dedication she showed throughout the academic year.

Alison holding a bouquet of flowers, posing for photo with Vice Principal Bev

Alison now moves on to a Foundation course in Art and Design, before applying for a Fine Art Degree which will permit her to hone her already high standard technical and artistic skills further. We wish Alison the best of luck in her future endeavours!

Alison standing next to her second wall mural