Student causes a stir at local café

One of our LEAP Hub Hospitality students has secured part-time paid employment following a successful work placement as part of his course.

Charles using the coffee machine

Charles, currently completing his first year at QAC, excelled during his internal work placements in the College's onsite café, and soon found himself accessing an external work placement in a busy café environment located at Sense TouchBase Pears in Selly Oak.

The placement commenced in January, and duties included opening up for service, preparing drinks and serving customers. Charles received excellent feedback on his progress and work ethic from staff - in fact, they were so impressed by him, he was encouraged to apply for an upcoming paid position as a Café Assistant. Charles was supported to write a CV and complete the application form, and following the interview was offered the job. He is now enjoying paid part-time employment alongside his College course.

Charles working in the Sense café

Charles commented: "The café is the right paced environment for me to be able to develop my skills whilst being supported. Since working in the café my confidence has grown, I was really happy to receive the job!"

The best place for a young person to learn what is expected of them in the workplace is by spending time in that environment. QAC is constantly working with employers to raise the number of placement opportunities that are available to our students, providing them with a high quality and exciting insight to the world of work.