Staff at Macdonald Burlington Hotel to run 10k blindfolded in support of QAC!

Staff at the Macdonald Burlington Hotel in Birmingham are currently in training for a 10k run, blindfolded. Regional Managing Director, Derek McDonough, and Macdonald Burlington Hotel Manager, James Bee, are taking on the Great Birmingham 10k Run while blindfolded alongside former QAC student and current College governor 'Blind Dave' Heeley on Sunday 1st May, to raise awareness and funds for QAC!

Derek, James and their guide runners run with Dave through a Birmingham street

Macdonald Burlington Hotel Manager James Bee said, “We are really pleased to be taking part in the 10k and raising funds for those with disabilities in Birmingham and across the UK. Not only will this push us to get fit but it will give both of us a small insight into what life is like for Dave. It was a real pleasure to meet Dave, he is an inspirational character, and we were happy to play a small part in this awesome challenge.”

'Blind Dave' has undertaken countless gruelling challenges over the years and previous achievements include being the first blind person in the world to have completed the ultimate endurance challenge of 7 marathons in 7 days on 7 continents. Dave Heeley commented, “The hardest part for Derek and James will be the training, running around the streets in Birmingham while they are being guided will require instructions to navigate ramps, steps, rough terrain etc. whereas during the run there will be hardly any change under foot.”

QAC Fundraising and Grants Manager Sarah Caldwell added, “For a short while Derek and James will get to experience what it is like to be in Dave’s shoes and experience for themselves what it is like for him, and others who are blind, to do something we normally take for granted. For us, events like this are about raising awareness as well as funds for our cause.”

To support James and Derek's challenge, as well as our students here at QAC, please visit our fundraising page.