Sport Students finish strong at North Midlands Regional Inclusive Zone Basketball Competition

Over the past term students at QAC have been able to take full advantage of having a highly qualified coach for Wheelchair and Inclusive Zone Basketball. Funding from Sportivate initially and further funding from British Wheelchair Basketball will enable this coaching to continue into the Summer Term. The funding also enabled two members of staff, Gaynor and Keith, to be trained up as British Wheelchair Basketball Leaders.

QAC Sport students posing with their medals

As a result of the training, on Wednesday 23rd March, 8 Sports students travelled to Wolverhampton University to take part in the North Midlands Regional Inclusive Zone Basketball Competition. All of the students played very well and special mentions go to Kerri, who was required to play almost all the matches as the player with a lower limb impairment (it's a good job she is so fit!), Sanjai, who played very well both in a sports chair and as a running player, as well as Zach and Derice, both of whom managed to score for our team. This was the first competition for our students in Inclusive Zone Basketball and they really rose to the challenge. They came home with runners up medals as a reward for their performance!

We hope to send 2 teams to the next competition at Worcester University's Arena in June.