Residential Student Bobby gets a taste of being a Pilot!

One of our Residential students, Bobby, who is a wheelchair user and studying IT Level 3, enjoyed his first ever flying lesson last Monday at Tatenhill Airfield.  

Bobby behind the controls of the plane, before his flying lesson.

Alan Hamer, Director of Care Services & Supported Living at QAC, learnt of Bobby's interest in aviation, and being an aviation enthusiast and a licensed Pilot himself, provided Bobby with the opportunity to take on a lesson with an experienced flight instructor.  

Bobby in wheelchair next to flight instructor, posing for photo in front of the plane

The flight lasted roughly 45 minutes, during which Bobby was able to take full control of the aircraft under the watchful eye of the instructor, who expressed that Bobby did very well for his first time in control of an aircraft!

Bobby in control of the aircraft during his flying lesson

Since the lesson, Bobby has expressed his interest in obtaining a Pilot licence in the future!