QAC's Climbing Wall project reaches completion
Over the past few weeks, EP Climbing Walls have been working tirelessly to install our brand new climbing wall in our Sports Hall, which was made possible as the result of a successful fundraising campaign.
The wall, almost 8 metres tall with over 20 different climbing routes, will be used as part of ‘Outdoor Club’ as well as other timetabled sessions, meaning various different groups within College will have the opportunity to use it.
Students and staff are really excited for the install to be finished, and are looking forward to conducting a series of taster sessions over the next few weeks for some daring volunteers to try it out! It is certainly an impressive addition to our Sports Hall as well as our provision, one we are very grateful to be able to offer!
A big thank you to everyone who supported our fundraising for this project, particularly the following trusts & foundations: