QAC supports Natspec's new Home Learning Project

In March 2020, schools and colleges across the country suddenly found themselves supporting large numbers of children and young people to continue their learning from home.
Queen Alexandra College was delighted to work with Natpsec and other Natspec member colleges to capture and share effective learning at home for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) currently happening. 
Seven QAC staff members were noted as supporting the research into best practice of remote learning. Natspec’s newly developed Home Learning website provides advice, guidance, tools and resources on learning materials, on monitoring progress, support for families and wellbeing, for provision of therapy, and on transition in and out of college.

Natspec's Home Learning website can be accessed in this attached link. It is a resource that shows how, despite the situation in which we find ourselves, we can still connect with others, work together and provide high quality learning and support for our students.