QAC students to benefit from largest ever National Express Foundation grants

National Express Foundation logo

The National Express Foundation, a charity that helps disadvantaged young people, has once again pledged life changing sums of money to young people via community groups and educational institutions this month.

Since it was launched in 2012, Foundation funding has helped over 22,000 young people. Combined with a round of funding earlier in the year, this year’s grant is expected to benefit over 4,000 young people by supporting them with the cost of their studies and also helping groups to deliver educational and developmental activities for youth in the community.

Anthony Vigor, Chairman of the National Express Foundation, said:

“We are delighted to announce the second round National Express Foundation funding awards for 2019. This is the largest grant we have ever made in a single year, with a total of over £450,000 of funding pledged this year to support over 4,000 young people. We are proud that this funding will help deliver even more positive and developmental activities for local young people and help those who might not otherwise be able to continue with their studies in further and higher education.”

The second funding round of 2019 opened back in October, with groups tasked with providing a simple ‘elevator pitch’ to the team as part of a new, streamlined application process. With over 150 applications received, a rigorous sifting process took place before 15 community groups were awarded a total of £167,500 in funding.

A further £60,000 will be awarded to the University of Bath and Queen Alexandra College over three years.

Queen Alexandra College will use a grant of £10,000 for three years to support students enrolled on their supported internship course. Students that study and work part time will be encouraged to apply for bursaries allowing them to fund their own specialist equipment and resources allowing them to participate in internships and studies that may not otherwise have been possible.

Jan Gormley, Deputy Principal said:

“QAC supports young people with disabilities on their journey to independence and being awarded this grant is fantastic news for our Student Internship programme and will make a huge difference. Our Student Intern numbers have increased recently and this money will be used to provide them with equipment and resources they need to not only get the most out of their internship placements, but also help equip them with the skills and confidence they need to enter the workplace beyond their time at QAC”