QAC Students receive Royal response

Two of our students were recently surprised after receiving a Royal "Thank You" for their winning entries into the Queen's Birthday Competition. Our students, Jess and Neelam, won the 'Design a card for The Queen's Birthday' competition and received winning prizes.

2 students holding Thank You cards from the Queen

The students put a lot of effort into their cards; Jess's birthday verse was filled with kindness and thoughtfulness and Neelam, who is visually impaired, worked with tutors and support staff to select the most appropriate picture for her card. Unbeknown to them, the cards were sent to Buckingham Palace where the Lady-in-Waiting surprised students and staff with a Royal reply and personal thank you cards for the two winners.

Thank You letter from the Queen

Well done to Jess and Neelam for their winning entries, and we hope you enjoyed the Queen's response to your cards!