QAC Students install artwork at Birmingham gallery

As part of QAC's ArtsFest event, which celebrates all things creative and arts focused, our Vocational Art & Design students have installed their work at Birmingham's Stryx gallery for the "Bounce" Spring Art Show!

"Bounce" spring art show event cover image

The gallery, located in the Digbeth area of Birmingham City Centre, hosts work from various artists throughout the year, offering our students a taste of how a professional and commercial arts setting works. This also offered the opportunity for friends and families of students, as well as members of the public, to attend the exhibition and view their work, again offering invaluable experience.

Multiple framed pieces of art created by QAC students on display at Stryx gallery

Students worked extremely hard on their pieces, and it shows as the quality of the pieces is fantastic! Well done to all involved.

A piece of art created by a QAC student on display at Stryx gallery