QAC staff acknowledged during Adult Learners’ Week

NIACE is the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, the national voice for lifelong learning. During the month of June they promote Adult Learners’ Week, a national celebration of lifelong learning which is now in its 24th year.

 QAC staff with Certificate of Achievement

 As part of the celebration they organise Awards to mark people’s commitment to adult learning, either as individuals or as part of a provision. This year QAC made 6 nominations across the ‘Provision’, ‘Tutor’ and ‘Individual Learner’ categories.

The awards are a national initiative and therefore highly respected and fought over, with over 1200 nominations received this year. Unfortunately QAC’s nominations were not shortlisted or selected as winner but we are pleased to say they were all awarded a Certificate of Achievement to recognise their enthusiasm and commitment to learning.

Nominees were put forward by fellow staff, with staff and students contributing to the testimonials submitted. Congratulations to the PFL teaching team and PSHE delivery team for your recognition in the ‘Provision’ category, Sports tutor Wendy and PSHE tutor Gill for your recognition in the ‘Tutor’ category and to Jason (and ex-student Ryan) for your award in the ‘Individual Learner’ category. Thoroughly well deserved!