QAC Performing Arts students perform "Seek/Find" at the MAC Birmingham

On Friday 17th & Saturday 18th of June, the QAC Vocational Performing Arts students and IP clients along with other friends performed 'Seek Find' at Mac, Birmingham. This performance is in association with Spectra and Mac that the group have worked with for three years now. The students were absolutely fantastic, taking the audience on a mystical, enlightening journey to discover the box of light, in turn reminding the audience to think about what they are seeking. Wonderful characters, gardens, the curly forest band, wrestling madness, Rocky Road, drinks, popcorn, cake, candy floss, fun, laughter and happiness were some of the things exciting the audience during the inside and outside performances. It was performed through the Mac building on Friday and around Cannon Hill Park on Saturday leading back to the Amphitheatre for the finale!

Cast of the "Seek/Find" performance all posing for a photo

Whilst watching the performance, the audiences reactions which were full of smiles, laughter and anticipation throughout. People come to performances at times to get away from the normal and get lost in the fun. It's a cliché in performing arts at times to tell the students to enjoy themselves but boy did they and it was incredible to see them totally engrossed in the moment and enjoying themselves!.

Thank You to everyone who helped and supported this project in any way shape or form and to all the QAC students, staff, friends and family who came to watch.