QAC host successful "Curry & Quiz Night" fundraising event.

We recently ran our inaugural fundraising event of our 20 year anniversary campaign, looking to raise £20,000 from 20 fundraising events to create 20 student focused projects and activities, leaving a legacy at the College for future students!

Curry & Quiz Night Participants at the venue

We welcomed 15 teams along to our Curry & Quiz event here at QAC. The night was a huge success, raising over £800 for our 20 year anniversary campaign.

It was a successful, fun and friendly evening with a bit of healthy competition and lots of laughs.

Curry & Quiz Night participants in building the tallest foil tower competition

The winning team, 'Meat & 2 Veg', won a £50 voucher for The Plough Harborne and unfortunately the losing team, 'We Only Came for the Curry', went home with the wooden spoon!

Curry & Quiz Night winning team representative collecting prize from College principal Hugh Williams

The losing team collecting their wooden spoon during our Curry & Quiz night

There are two more Curry & Quiz night events planned for later this year, so please do stay tuned for further details on those.