QAC Court Oak Road Campus updates
The Charity's Court Oak Road Campus has benefitted from a number of improvements over the last few months that will support our students with a better quality, modern and accessible learning environment.
The toilets in the Bradbury Centre and Evolution buildings have been updated increasing the number of toilets and improving the facilities for our growing number of students. This project has been supported by funding from the Birmingham Royal Institute for the Blind.
A canopy has now been installed which provides a covered walkway between the Bradbury Centre and main building enabling easier access between these buildings which will greatly benefit our students particularly those with visual impairments. This has only been made possible due to funding from The Eveson Trust.
Created by our Maintenance Team, we also now have two sensory gardens on site for our students to enjoy as well as be used to support regulation of emotions.
Finally, our signage across campus has been updated to fit the new branding that were shared during the summer term, showcasing different areas of the college and labelling the different buildings in a far clearer way.
Thank you to everyone who has supported these updates, watch this space for more to come!