QAC Corporate Morning

To kick off QAC’s Careers Week, last week the Fundraising Team invited some of their corporate friends into college to take part in a morning of activities hosted by some of our students. 

First up was LEAP Sport who hosted an inclusive sports session - with students facilitating boccia and curling matches, followed by demonstrations in different basketball games, including wheelchair basketball. The wheelchairs took a bit of getting used to for the visitors, but they soon got the knack of it, with one group even feeling brave enough to have a race! 

Images of visitors playing inclusive sports in wheelchairs

After building up a bit of a sweat in the sports hall, the group then joined LEAP Hospitality in the cafe, where they sat down and got to enjoy hot drinks and cake!

LEAP hospitality talking to corporate visitors

It was a first visit to QAC for some of the group, so whilst enjoying their well earned cake, they got to hear more about what the college does and how they can get more involved in supporting us going forwards. It was a fun morning and everyone really enjoyed spending time with the students.

Thank you to everyone who came along, we look forward to seeing you at the next one!