QAC Community Services β PA / Support Worker Service
As part of our 5-year strategy (2019-20) QAC is developing a new range of services for young people with disabilities in the community.
QAC are now offering a support worker service which is able to provide you with a personalised package of support using your direct payments / personal budget. We will work with you to find out what support you need to lead the life that you want to live at the moment and to help you build the skills you need for the life you want in the future.
You might need help with day to day activities:
- to follow your leisure pursuits and interests
- to do volunteering or a work placement
- to develop new skills
- to keep in touch with people who are important to you
We can support you whether you live with your family or whether you have a home of your own.
For more information please contact Community Services on 0121 803 5310 or email