QAC achieves Investors in People Silver accreditation

Investors in People (IiP) is delighted to award Queen Alexandra College (QAC), a leading national residential college and charity, the ‘We invest in people’, silver accreditation.

Silver is a fantastic achievement and something only 20% of the organisations assessed achieve.

It means that the right principles are in place but more than that, it means that QAC staff, managers and leaders are making proactive efforts to make sure that everyone in the organisation feels the positive effects.

Investors in People - We did it! logo

QAC supports a diverse range of student and clients abilities and needs. The College and its 400 plus workforce provides education, training, support and routes to independent living and employment, helping to achieve students and clients aspirations for adult life.

Commenting on the award, Bev Jessop, QAC Principal and Chief Executive, said: “It is so easy to forget how much we have introduced, improved and committed to achieve over a relatively short time and this recognition makes it clear how far we have moved forward as a large team of staff. Thank you to everyone involved – staff were really honest, enthusiastic and confident about their experience of QAC as an employer.”

Paul Devoy, CEO of Investors in People, said: “We’d like to congratulate Queen Alexandra College. Silver accreditation on We invest in people is a remarkable effort for any organisation, and places Queen Alexandra College in fine company with a host of organisations that understand the value of people.”

Investors in People, We invest in people Silver logo

Our Investors in People feedback report included what to be proud of:    

  • People are very proud to be a part of QAC and get a great sense of satisfaction from their roles and being able to support the needs of both students and those cared for. It was commonplace for people interviewed so say that they “Love their job”. The opinions gathered via your staff survey were positive overall, with results often slightly above the averages achieved by other organisations.
  • The progress made since the last assessment in 2017 is impressive. People management practices have been built on and improved and as a result are more robust and suited to future needs.
  • Your organisation is highly ethical in its practices and has deeply embedded its values in the culture. Your values and their associated behaviours play a vital role in QAC and guide people in all that they do. Your values-based Manager’s Charter is good practice and supports several people management practices.
  • Your organisation has a significant positive impact on the communities in which it operates, providing support to a wide range of individuals, groups and good causes. Built around your ethics and values, this is another area of strength.
  • People said that the working environment and culture has improved over the last 3 years, helping them to feel more engaged in their work and more positive in their views about QAC as their employer.
  • Leadership was found to be strong and effective, underpinned by a clearly articulated strategy and detailed plans aimed at supporting your ambitions for the future. People spoke positively about leaders and about how this aspect of QAC life had improved over the last 3 years.
  • There was a real sense of collegiality and camaraderie referenced by those who were interviewed, with people indicating that teamworking is effective and that the working environment is supportive of their day-to-day needs. In fact, the dependency on teamworking was perceived by people as a major contributor to the success of QAC.
  • QAC has a well-developed range of approaches in place to support your constant drive for improvement. These are strategically aligned and embedded within your operating practices.
  • People indicated that QAC has become more effective in its internal communications, something which has been a focus for improvement. Everyone interviewed indicated that internal communications worked well and had most recently been very effective in respect of the many challenges brought about by the Coronavirus pandemic.
  • The health and wellbeing of staff has become an even greater priority for QAC, not just in response to the current pandemic but as a result of providing a broader range of support mechanisms over time. Peoples’ opinions about how you have handled the pandemic as an organisation was very positive and congratulatory.

For more information about Investors in People, please visit their website here