PFL Step Out Blue students open campus Thrift shop
Thursday 19th October saw the opening of the brand new campus Thrift Shop by our Preparation for Life (PFL) Step Up Blue group!

The students in PFL Step Up Blue have worked hard over the course of the first term to open the College's first Thrift Shop. The students have been developing their independent living skills including time management, organisational skills, numeracy skills and communication skills.

The group has worked as a team to source donations and use those donations to develop their own onsite shop. Today they opened the shop to the wider College, where their hard work was celebrated. This shop will continue to remain open throughout the academic year and provide our PFL students with an internal work placement.
Our PFL programmes enable learners to develop the skills they need to participate as citizens within the community and, where possible, the workplace. PFL is suitable for young people who are working at Pre Entry to Entry Level 2.
If you are able to support this placement please consider donating any unwanted items to PFL Step Up Blue. Please contact PFL Tutor Leah by email at: