PFL Grey celebrates Chinese New Year

Our PFL Grey group recently had great fun planning the Chinese New Year Café.  They learnt all about Chinese traditions, food and music, and spent lots of time preparing for the event.  They particularly enjoyed researching information so that they could make sure each one of their special guests went away with something to remember their visit to the  Café by.  Information was provided in braille, with Simwriter and lots of colourful pictures were also available.

The group had great fun looking for Chinese recipes and chose vegetable spring rolls, macha cake (banana and green tea), almond cookies and butter cake to serve to their guests.

When the day arrived, they greeted PFL Yellow with Xin nian kuai le! (Happy New Year!).  Beautiful Chinese music was playing in the background and there was a display of Chinese items such as a pair of wedding shoes, the Chinese flag, chopsticks, lantern puppets, traditional toys, Chinese tea and lots more.

To see more photos of this event, please visit our facebook page.