Natspec publish General Election Manifesto

Natspec, the membership association for organisations which offer specialist further education and training for students with learning difficulties and/or disabilities, have yesterday published their manifesto for the 2019 General Election, in which they outline the support they'd like to see for the education of young people with learning difficulties and disabilities from political parties running in the general election.

Clare Howard, Natspec’s Chief Executive, said “We want the next government to commit to supporting specialism in further education, so that young people with learning difficulties and disabilities can achieve their potential. The SEND reforms in England and similar legislation in Wales include ambitious plans for transformational change, but the system is failing young people and their families. We now need to act so that the vision becomes a reality and the system delivers on the good intentions of the reforms.”

To read the complete manifesto, please click here


"Valuing specialism; realising potential" Natspec manifesto logo