National Careers Week 2024

National Careers Week (NCW) is a celebration of careers guidance and opportunities in education across the UK.

#NCW2024 poster

Between the 4 March and 9 March 2024, we will be marking National Careers Week in College over a one-week period with a range of activities to inspire and empower our students to think about their future next steps and what is possible!

It aims to promote the importance of good careers education in schools and colleges and provides an opportunity to support and engage young people to develop awareness and excitement about their future pathways and the world of work. Providing quality CIAG resources and linking education with the world of employment can help students get an important insight to the future of work and further learning.

QAC believes that students with SEND, including those with high levels of needs, can access fulfilling jobs and careers with the right preparation and support. QAC aspires to support every student with a careers programme that follows the Gatsby Benchmarks. As a specialist College, all of the learning undertaken by QAC for its students is fully inclusive.

#NCW2024 Virtual Careers Fair poster

A pre-launch is being planned at QAC for Thursday 29 February, providing student groups the opportunity to take part in some activities that will be available and find out more about the Week, including access to a Virtual Careers Fair.

To find out more about National Careers Week and to access the various resources available, please visit: 
#NationalCareersWeek #NCW2024

Further details about Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance (CIAG) support at QAC can be found in this attached link