Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley Jess Phillips visits QAC #LoveOurColleges

On Friday 12th October 2018, we were pleased to welcome Jess Phillips, the Labour MP for Birmingham Yardley, to QAC. Jess's visit to the college coincided with #CollegesWeek, and because QAC takes on a number of students from the Birmingham Yardley constituency, Jess was keen to learn more about how we support our students and the struggles we face as a Specialist College. 

QAC Principal and Chief Executive Bev Jessop poses for photo with Birmingham Yardley Labour MP Jess Phillips

Jess met with QAC Principal and Chief Executive Bev Jessop, discussing various topics and issues surrounding colleges, both specialist and mainstream. Amongst other points raised, they discussed the lack of individual choice for students with special educational needs, the transport issues surrounding college students and the vast reduction in funding for colleges in general, an issue which has been raised and recognised by all colleges across the country.

#CollegesWeek is an initiative aiming to highlight not only the great work done by colleges and college staff across the UK in equipping learners with the necessary tools to achieve their goals in life, but also the challenges faced by Colleges nationwide, both mainstream and specialist.

We'd like to thank Jess for taking the time out of her busy schedule to pay us a visit and discuss some key topics surrounding Colleges!


#CollegesWeek #LoveOurColleges