Introducing Buddy Ray, QAC's Wellbeing Dog

Meet Buddy Ray, our new wellbeing dog in training, who works with some of the students that we support at QAC. He is currently based in the onsite Wellbeing Hub, but will work across the whole College in small student groups following his training. 

Image of Buddy Ray with a tennis ball in his mouth

Buddy Ray is an 8-month-old cocker spaniel, and has been at QAC since he was 4 months old, going to general training once a week and will be starting therapy training soon to help more students across the College.  

Buddy Ray interacts with students and helps regulate their emotions by allowing the students to sit, play and walk with him. Spending time with Buddy Ray can have a positive impact on a student's day.

QAC student sat with Buddy Ray

A therapy dog provides affection and comfort to people in hospitals, retirement homes, whereas buddy dogs help to build confidence, to create better relationships with others, develop a sense of fun, trust and responsibility of caring for an animal. Buddy dogs also provide emotional support, enabling their clients to go out and socialise with other humans and break down social barriers (and potentially make friends).