International Day for People with Disabilities

Last week, the Fundraising Team welcomed some of their corporate friends into College to celebrate International Day for People with Disabilities, a global initiative to celebrate the diversity of our global community and the roles we play, which took place on Saturday 3 December.

QAC staff and students host various inclusive sports sessions

Students were at the heart of the event, hosting different sessions for our visitors to get involved in throughout the morning. LEAP Hub Sport hosted an inclusive sports session - with students taking the lead, showing our visitors how to play boccia, curling and wheelchair basketball, before competing with them in a game of 'leap' (which Kate, one of the visitors won!).


A member of the RATTS team delivers a sighted guide training session

The group then enjoyed a condensed sighted guide training session with one of our RATTS team, where they experienced what it was like to guide and be guided, and how wheelchair users can also work as guides for people with vision impairment.

Finally, LEAP Hospitality welcomed the group to the café for a well earned sit down where they got to enjoy hot drinks and cake!

It was a great event which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. Well done and thank you to everyone involved!