Free College Meals Update

If you are normally entitled to a Free College Meal, QAC will meet the cost for the period that the College is closed (i.e. backdated from 23 March 2020 and lasting to 3 April 2020 i.e. 10 days for a full time day student).  The rate is £2.41 per student per meal.

If you are in receipt of a Free College Meal (i.e. QAC has confirmed previously this to you), please email with your details.  Our Finance Team will reply to you.  We will aim to make a payment direct to your bank account – cash or cheque won't work in these circumstances.

It is all new, so bear with us.  We will make payments by the end of next week and these will definitely be backdated to 23 March 2020.  Watch here for updates.