Elite Sport Performance Programme to be delivered at QAC

We are delighted to be working in partnership with The Albion Foundation to deliver the first collaborative Powerchair Football and Further Education Elite 'study programme' of its kind in the whole country exclusively for high need learners starting in September 2016.

 Three powerchair football players chat to each other in sports hall

The programme has been specifically designed for ambitious young sports people with high needs aged 16-24 years old who are passionate about football, coaching and sports leadership, use a power or manual wheelchair and are eligible under the Federation of International Powerchair Football Association (FIPFA) classification criteria.

Offering students the opportunity to develop as a powerchair football player, you will train 12 hours per week which is the recommended time to become an elite performer plus attend QAC for a timetabled programme of vocational qualifications, independence, employment and functional skills.

If you would like to be part of this unique, ground breaking elite sport performance programme please contact Beverley Jessop at Queen Alexandra College on 0121 428 5050 for more information about the academic elements and funding process.

For more information about the elite sport element of the course please contact Paul Hunt at The Albion Foundation on 07984 610 283 or email paul.hunt@albionfoundation.co.uk