Creative Media students visited by a Script Co-ordinator

As part of Career’s Week our Creative Media students were visited today by William Hughes, a Script Co-ordinator for Marvel Studio projects.  He spoke to our students about his journey into the industry and even showcased a couple props from the Ghostbusters film he had worked on.

Will and QAC student smiling for a photo

The students had lots of questions to ask him about the industry and were very excited to hold/wear the props Will had brought with him, the students found the session very informative and he helped answer questions about their future aspirations. 

Will talking to Creative Media students

William stated that "QAC is incredibly invaluable in a world where there's not enough'. Our creative media suite is based in the Karten Centre which was originally funded by the Karten Network

Massive thank you to Will for coming in to QAC today to talk to our students!