Countdown to the Children and Families Act 2014

Countdown to the Children and Families Act 2014 logo

The Children and Families Act will be implemented from Monday 1st September 2014. QAC will be joining The Association of National Specialist Colleges (Natspec) in marking this as an important date in the calendar.

Natspec has commented on the bill at each stage of its progress through parliament and will be running a countdown to the Act on their website, finishing on Monday 1st September, highlighting some of the benefits for young people.

Although there have been some concerns about aspects of the Act, we hope that it will give young people some additional rights and opportunities. We are all very pleased that the bill now includes the right for young people and parents to request a place at a specialist college and have this named in their Education, Health and Care Plan.

For more information about the Children and Families Act 2014 please visit

Natspec has worked with AoC, Preparing for Adulthood and the Council for Disabled Children to produce a brief guide to some of the implications of the bill for further education colleges. It outlines the key changes that will come into force in September 2014, and identifies actions for colleges over the next few months. Please refer to below attached guide for further details.