#CollegesWeek 2018 draws to a close

This year, Queen Alexandra College joined in the efforts of Colleges Week, a week aimed at raising the profile of the amazing work colleges accross the UK do, as well as the struggles they face with funding cuts and alack of government support. 

Students scale a climbing wall

As well as highlighting the various issues faced by colleges, such as severe funding cuts and staff underpayment, QAC highlighted some of the great things that we are able to provide to our students to improve their experience of further education and be able to better support their needs.

QAC Principal and Chief Executive Bev Jessop with Labour MP Jess Phillips

Overall, Colleges Week is an important initiative, as colleges work to shape the futures of young people, and ultimately the future of the country, therefore we need to highlight the struggles faced by colleges in the UK and try to collectively act to improve the current further education situation.

                                     Female student casts her Student Council vote