A message from our Principal and Chief Executive, Bev Jessop.

Announcement: Rebranding and organisational changes

QAC has been known as the Queen Alexandra College for a number of years and the main focus of its work has been education, delivered through the College and which supports young adults with learning difficulties, disabilities and visual impairments. 

Over a number of years our support has developed and grown and in addition to education, the QA Charity, Birmingham now provides a range of Residential Services and Community Services, further supporting young people after they have left education.  We also run Enterprises which are made up of All Formats (a transcription service), Sight Village (a touring exhibition supporting those with visual impairments) and Carbon Fibre Canes provision.  

To reflect our growth in services on the 15 July, QAC launched its organisational rebrand and new logos.  The QAC charity, is now trading as The Queen Alexandra Charity, Birmingham.  These changes were part of strategic planning 2023-2027.

 The QA Charity, Birmingham has 4 service areas:

  1. College Services (remains QAC)
  2. Community Services
  3. Residential Services
  4. Enterprises

The new ‘QA Charity, Birmingham’ logo is displayed on our home page and our individual service area logos can be found on the relevant pages.  Each service area has its own identity and logo to support in their own strategic growth and to support with income generation and marketing initiatives. We want to make the work of our charity known as a leading Birmingham disability charity to encourage funders, sponsors, employers and trusts to support us to do even more for our students and clients in the future.  Staff, students and other stakeholders were keen for the new logo to be modern, fresh and reflect an optimistic and positive charity that is focused on the 21st century.

We look forward to achieving our strategic objectives moving forward and making the QA Charity, Birmingham even more successful so that it reaches those people with Learning Difficulties, Disabilities and Visual Impairments who need the services and facilities we provide.

You can find out more about the changes and our work on our social media pages or have an explore of the website.

Bev Jessop, Principal and Chief Executive