Work Placement Case Study - Vocational Health and Social Care

NAME: Cythian

PLACEMENT: St Johns Church Placement

ROLE: Play and Stay Assistant

Cythian using the computer

Cythian, a Level 1 Certificate in Health and Social Care student, undertook a placement at St John’s Church Play and Stay where she was able to interact with children, parents and staff, and got involved in some of the activities which included supporting arts and crafts sessions, reading books and singing songs with the children. 

During the placement, Cythian gained skills such as communication, team work, creativity and problem solving. The placement linked to her future plans after QAC as her ambitions involved continuing working in social care and with children.

Cythian commented: "It was a good experience and I enjoyed working there. I liked the people at the Church.”

Cythian’s employer commented “Cythian has a positive attitude, is eager to please and is enthusiastic. She responds well to clear instructions and directions.”