Work Placement Case Study - Vocational Creative Media


PLACEMENT: Queen Alexandra College

ROLE: Assistive Technology Assistant

Zia using assistive technology

Our Creative Media Courses enable students to learn about the media industry and develop the skills and knowledge required for further study or employment within this field of work.

During the internal work placement, Zia’s job was to assist students who may need assistive technology to get through their day at college alongside QAC’s Assistive Technology Specialist, he demonstrates and answers any questions the students may have about the equipment they will be using.

Following his time at QAC, Zia hopes to become a content creator as he is passionate about reviewing, discovering, comparing, and sharing his thoughts on different gadgets, Zia also plans to share information about accessibility equipment and features to help people who are partially sighted, blind or visually impaired using the skills he has learned from both his course and the skills he has developed on the work placement.