Entry 3 / Level 1 LEAP Hub Design and Production

Intent & Curriculum purpose:

Developing independence, communication and personal skills, with an introduction to a diverse range of employment skills. 

LEAP Hub Design and Production enables learners to develop and practice the skills required for employment and a career in the design and production sectors – learners will be providing bespoke design, printing and embroidery services in a production setting.

Students will be able to develop their design and ICT skills; these skills will then be used to produce bespoke personalised items for customers. Learners will have the opportunity to do internal work experience as part of their programme.

Programme Outline:

LEAP Hub Design and Production focuses on developing skills within the design and print industry including:

  • Digital design
  • Printing skills
  • Micro business skills
  • Customer Service skills
  • Design skills
  • Marketing skills

Learners can gain experience in using specialist equipment linked to design and the print industry. They are able to learn techniques used within the industry such as printing on clothing and merchandise in a dedicated area. This provides learners with a practical insight into the production and print industry and the skills needed to find employment or even start up their own micro business.

Specific skills developed can help students on their journey through a career pathway dedicated to serving the design and production industry.

Work Experience:

Planned in groups and through individual work experience. Internal placement in our print room and external placements where appropriate.

English and Maths:

Discrete sessions in English and maths including a qualification route, where applicable. Functional English and maths embedded via the curriculum. 

Additional skills development:

Personal and social development skills such as independent living skills (ILS), confidence-building, teamwork, healthy living, citizenship, rights and responsibilities. In addition, students will have access to a wide range of ongoing wellbeing and mindfulness initiatives.  

On successful completion, progression is likely to be: full/part-time paid and voluntary employment, further education, a supported internship or progression onto the vocational Art and Design or ICT programme offered by QAC.