Entry 3 / Level 1 LEAP Hub Animal Care

Intent & Curriculum purpose:

Developing independence, communication and personal skills, with an introduction to a diverse range of employment skills. The programme aims to inspire learners to become responsible by interacting with a variety of small animals and observing them. Taking care of animals can help to teach self-motivation, empowerment and accountability.

Programme Outline:

Qualifications range from Entry 3 to Level 1.

LEAP Hub Animal Care explores animal welfare, maintenance and health of small animals. Through tasks such as feeding and grooming, learners are provided with a trusting and trust building environment.

We offer 12-week practical placements off campus (one per week) and a variety of small animals are brought into College for learners to groom, monitor animal behaviours and perform health checks, recognising signs and symptoms of illnesses and diseases, and identify treatments when needed.

Areas covered within this programme include:

  • Developing confidence working with animals
  • Grooming small animals
  • Preparing feed for small animals
  • Checking that an animal is healthy
  • Customer Service

Every student receives high-quality teaching in the practical and theoretical aspects of the programme, promoting positive role modelling throughout their College experience. A goal of the programme is for learners to demonstrate a passion for learning, acquiring new skills or improving the skills they already possess. Students are celebrated for gaining new skills and accessing new situations, whether they make small or significant strides forward.

Work Experience:

Planned in groups and through individual work experience. Internal and some external where appropriate.

English and maths:

Discrete sessions in English and maths including a qualification route, where applicable. Functional English and maths embedded via the curriculum. 

Additional skills development:

Personal and social development skills such as independent living skills (ILS), confidence-building, teamwork, healthy living, citizenship, rights and responsibilities. In addition, students will have access to a wide range of ongoing wellbeing and mindfulness initiatives.  


On successful completion, progression is likely to be: full/part-time employment, further education, a supported internship or apprenticeship.