Access to College

Intent & Curriculum purpose:

Access to College is an individualised programme for people who have been out of education for at least twelve months for various reasons and have difficulty in restarting education. The programme aims to re-engage students in formal learning through a bespoke part-time timetable.


It is hoped that after one year on the Access to College programme the student will be ready to attend a main College programme matched to their learning needs.

Programme Outline:

This programme is devised around the individual as they gradually increase their attendance at College following a series of planned activities which help them to decide on the best course of study.

The overall aim is for the student to work towards attending a main College programme to gain qualifications and develop independence in line with their future goals.

We have experienced staff that work with the student, family and carers to address the barriers that are preventing the student from attending College. This can often involve the student being given support to develop their confidence and coping skills to reduce their anxiety associated with returning to College.

Staff will also meet with external professionals who support the student to ensure that their social and emotional needs are well supported.

Work Experience:

As appropriate to the individual in their re-engagement. Engagement in work is not a priority at this stage.

English and Maths:

As appropriate to the individual in their re-engagement.

Additional skills development:

Personal and social development skills such as independent living skills (ILS), confidence-building, teamwork, healthy living, citizenship, rights and responsibilities. In addition, students will have access to a wide range of ongoing wellbeing and mindfulness initiatives.  


Student progress is reviewed at key points during the year and a suitable plan is formed to support students to transition from Access to College to a main programme of study or to another provision. In some cases, the transition to a main programme may need to be extended to match individual needs.

On successful completion, progression is likely to be: further academic studies at an Independent Specialist provider, Further Education or Higher Education provider.

Further information:
If you are interested in the Access to College programme please contact Emma Hutchinson, Curriculum Area Manager - Vocational Pathways, on 0121 803 5318 or email: to discuss your needs in more detail.