Queen Alexandra College Student data and outcomes 2022 - 2023


Every student at QAC has an EHC plan

91% (+) Wider West Midlands region

(68% Birmingham)

9% (-)  National 
46% (+)  Ethnic Diversity of students
63% Male (229)
37% Female (134)
33% 16-18 
67% 19+ 
Retention and Attendance

95% (=) Student retention 

97% (-) Student attendance 

Pass rates

88.6% (+)    Overall accredited qualification levels
92% (-)   Entry levels
90%  (+)  Level 1
81%  (-)  Level 2
92% (+)   Level 3
81% (+)    Maths   (Entry 1 - Level 2 and GCSE)
78% (-)   English (Entry 1 - Level 2 and GCSE)
88% (=)  RARPA (Non-accredited study programmes)

Progression outcomes for all leavers July 2023: (outcomes align with EHCP goals)

114 leavers in July 2023:

  1. Employment (paid/vol) 21 students 
  2. General FE (mainstream) 4 students 
  3. HE (University degree place)  3 students
  4. ISP (other specialist provider)  12 students
  5. WBT (Work based training) 6 students 
  6. Adult Social Care 52 students
  7. Not in Education, Employment, Training (NEET) 5 students (at point of data collection)
  8. Other (Community Services/QAC higher course)  10 students

Residential outcomes: there were 8 residential leavers

  1. Supported Living - 3 students
  2. Independence Plus (QAC's Supported living)-2
  3. Family home/adult services - 3
  4. Long term residential - none
  5. Independent living - none