Queen Alexandra College - Pinewood Campus

Pinewood Campus is a centre located in nearby Woodgate Valley. It provides a high quality and exciting stepping stone into the world of work and is more business-like than educational in its feel. It was purposefully designed to not feel like 'being at College' as Pinewood Campus supports students to move away from being in education to support them to become more confident with the working world. This supported progression into work is achieved within the ethos and values of QAC.

Pinewood Centre entrance

Pinewood campus retains QAC values and QAC specialisms with specialist support and educational achievement for students still the driving factors of programmes.  The significant difference is that by being at Pinewood you are further enabled as a young person to make that brave first step into life after College and gain increased self confidence in your place in the world of work.

Pinewood is where specific QAC Employment Pathways programmes are delivered such as our Supported Internship course. It is also the base for the QAC Workplacement team who oversee all internal and external workplacements across all courses and campuses.

Our address is:

Pinewood Campus 
Bell Heath Way
Woodgate Business Park
B32 3BZ