How You Can Support Us

As a charity, your support can really help make a huge difference to our students and clients and their experiences, and there are many ways you can get involved.

Group of runners after a successful fundraising run for QAC

Purchasing items direct - Monetary donations enable the college to direct funds to the areas of most urgent need.  However, if you would prefer to make a purchase of an item then please have a look at our Amazon Wishlist. It contains a range of things for departments across College which we update periodically which you can buy and get sent straight to us! 

3 individuals who took on a Skydive in support of QAC

We organise a range of different fundraising events so take a look at our ‘Fundraising Events’ page to see what we’ve got coming up that you can get involved in. 

Or perhaps you would like to organise your own event to support us.  Please let us know if you do so we can see how we can best support you in your fundraising. 


We'd love to invite you in to take part in one of our student engagement days if you'd like to learn more of what we do.  Just get in touch if you'd like to attend one. 

If you'd like to fundraise for QAC then please let us know so we can see how we can help. 

Whether you’re an individual or a team of friends or colleagues, you may be able to volunteer with us and make a difference.  Please contact the fundraising team for more information.

Time and expertise can be really valuable to us; with the range of programmes and activities we offer students, the opportunity to invite guests in to share experience is really important. So if you have skills or experience you think could work well, please get in touch.

Volunteers supporting a fundraising event in support of QAC

Alternatively, we run a number of exhibitions throughout the UK for blind and partially sighted people, called Sight Village. We always need volunteers at these events to act as sighted guides for our visitors. If you feel that this is something that you would be interested in, please contact us at 

If you would like to know more about being a regular individual volunteer, please contact our HR Team on 0121 803 5481. 

To contact the fundraising team please email or telephone 0121 803 5487