Gifts in Wills & In Memory Donations

A lasting legacy

Over the years, the work of QAC has been supported by the generosity of gifts made in people’s wills. Our Karten Centre is a lasting legacy thanks to a donation from the Karten Trust in memory of the late Ian Karten MBE, and our sports hall campaign benefited from a large legacy donation and another made purchasing a minibus possible.

After looking after family or friends you might want to consider a gift in your will to QAC.  Whether it's a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, a specific item or a conditional bequest (a gift which is passed to charity if the person for whom it was intended dies before you) then the charity would be most grateful.  There can also be tax benefits for those leaving at least 10% of their estate to a charity but any gift can make a difference. Did you know the average estate in the UK is around the £350,000 mark meaning a 1% gift would be £3,500 which could go a long way to support our work.  Making a will is probably one of the most important documents a person will make during their lifetime.  If you would like to discuss the charity element of leaving a gift in your will then please don't hesitate to get in touch specifically with Cathryn in the fundraising office.

In Memory Giving/Funeral Donations

Many families now opt to request donations to a charity in lieu of flowers at a loved one's funeral and again donations can have a huge benefit to the students we work with.  Donations that come to QAC this way can help fund anything from therapy pony sessions to assisted tech (which enables our students access to learning and independence) to activity packs for the classroom or items for our outdoor activities.  We hope that in some way supporting QAC might be a fitting tribute to the person who has passed away.  Please get in touch if you would like to support QAC in this way. 

fountain pen lying on a piece of paper