Rehabilitation Therapies and Living Skills

We have an extensive range of therapeutic and support services available to meet the needs of our students, including:

Rehabilitation and Travel Training 

The College offers rehabilitation and travel training to help develop your independent orientation and travel skills.

This training might be really useful for you and enable you to travel with greater confidence. Your training may begin using our own onsite travel training area ‘Independence Street’.

In addition to all aspects of travel training, our Rehabilitation and Travel Trainers (RATTs) can also cover other areas such as long cane training, accessing public transport, keeping safe, orientation and mobility, rehabilitation and habilitation skills, and activities of daily living.

This training might be really useful for you and enable you to travel with greater confidence. Your training may begin using our own onsite travel training area ‘Independence Street’.

Staff member supports student using onsite travel training area independence street

The RATTs Team work collaboratively with the wider College to help develop your independent living skills by offering individualised sessions tailored to your specific needs. 

Staff member supports a student using a cane during a travel training session

We have a highly qualified and specialist team trained and equipped to work with students with a diverse range of needs and abilities. In addition to supporting people who have a visual impairment, we can offer support and guidance for students on the autism spectrum, those with complex needs, and students with physical and other disabilities.

QAC welcomes guide dog users and their dogs.


Occupational Therapy and Sensory Support 

Our Sensory Rooms provide a safe space for students to use to meet their regulation needs with the help and support of the Occupational Therapy and Positive Behaviour Teams, as well as the student's support staff.

The rooms are designed and equipped to help students regulate their emotional and sensory needs through a range of student-led activities and the use of a variety of sensory integration equipment.

Equipment includes swings, a large barrel, trampettes, scooter boards, therapy balls, a ball pit, tents, sensory lighting and Soundbeam. 

Sensory processing and self-regulation support at home for students, provided by our College Occupational Therapist, can be found in this attached link
