Occupational Therapy and Sensory Support

QAC's Sensory Hub is equipped with resources to deliver sensory related therapies as guided by our Occupational Therapist. 

The goal of sensory related therapy is to explore a student’s ability to process sensory information and how this is managed in their different environments.  

The Sensory Hub is well equipped with resources to support and effectively deliver a range of sensory activities. Equipment includes Soundbeam, fibre optic lighting, UV lighting as well as sensory and movement therapy items. 

All new students have a sensory screening assessment completed on entry and a full sensory assessment is carried out if required. The assessment process can help to identify sensory processing difficulties and sensory integration/praxis issues and the appropriate support developed.     

The Sensory Hub is one of the areas used for motor coordination and sensory therapies. Additional support can be provided in and around the general College environment using sensory equipment such as ear defenders, weighted blankets, tactile tool kits and individualised sensory diets tailored to meet a student’s needs. 

Sensory processing and self-regulation support at home for students, provided by our College Occupational Therapist, can be found in this attached link