Umberslade Nurseries launches community workshops for people with Dementia

Umberslade Nurseries recently secured funding from the Zurich Community Trust to run craft and gardening sessions for people with Dementia, along with their carers.

Members of the group decorating plant pots during the Dementia workshop

The project kicked off in April with a Dementia Friends session, which aims to raise awareness about dementia in the local community. The first group workshop was attended by both in-patients from local hospitals and local residents, all of whom live with dementia on a daily basis.

Lady decorating a plant pot during the workshop

Going forward, sessions will include decorating ‘herb pots’ for use in the kitchen, growing vegetables and other plant and flower related mini projects. More importantly, everyone who comes along also gets to sit with each other and enjoy some social chat time over tea and cake.

The group enjoying tea and cake at the Dementia workshop

For more information about the project, and Umberslade Nurseries, please contact or call 0121 472 4894