The Morrisons Foundation Support Umberslade Nurseries Project

Students from Preparation for Life (PFL) Red, along with their tutor Sarah, Umberslade Nurseries Manager Nicky and Fundraising Manager Sarah visited Morrisons Edgbaston to collect a cheque for £11,500 earlier today.

QAC students and staff collect cheque from Morrisons Edgbaston

Amy, Reece and Tobias were all smiles as they received the cheque from Store Manager Mike and Nicki, the store’s Community Champion. The money will be used to develop a sensory therapy area at Umberslade Nurseries, complete with sensory planting, furnished yurt structure and other features for everyone to enjoy.

We hope this will be completed during the spring, and more information will follow as the project progresses. A big thank you to The Morrisons Foundation and the staff at Edgbaston for supporting us!